Su di noi

“The seminar as a whole was characterised by the right mix of the academic and the practical approach, thanks to teachers and professionals of the sector, coming from prestigious institutions such as the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne, the European Parliament, Universities from France (Sorbonne, Panthéon-Assas) and Italy (University of Urbino, University of Trento), but also from the English-speaking world, such as Yale Law School and University College Dublin. After the lessons and lectures, we participated in exercises seated at the desks of the Department of Law, enriched by moments of conviviality in the City of Urbino where we visited works of art (this year, for example, the Oratory of St John the Baptist and St Joseph). ” (Efrem Ceccaroli – 2017)

La Summer School di Urbino è un evento unico nel suo genere che si svolge in uno degli scenari più belli d’Italia, l’incantevole città di Urbino. Il programma è ricco e stimolante e le lezioni sono multilingue. Potrete anche stringere amicizie e preziosi contatti per la vita”  – “The Urbino Summer School is a unique event held in one of the most beautiful settings in Italy, the enchanting city of Urbino. The programme is rich and stimulating and the lessons are multilingual. You will also make friends and valuable contacts for life”  
(Robert Bray, ex studente del Seminario, ex capo unità del Segretariato della Commissione Affari Giuridici del Parlamento Europeo e ora professore del Seminario).

The European Law Seminar in Urbino is an unique opportunity to get new skills in the arena of international and European law. 
Apart from excellent faculty and great lectures, another benefit is the wonderful 
Città di Urbino itself. To spend a fortnight within the walls of the renaissance beauty is going to influence you for the rest of your life. 
I can be a living proof of this addiction: I have been traveling to Urbino every August for 9 years
(M. Svatos, Mediator and Arbitrator, Charles University,
ex studente e ora professore del Seminario)

fondato nel 1959 da Enrico Paleari e Germain Brulliard